Ruf Records recording artist and Top 3 Billboard Blues Artis Ghalia Volt performs as a One Woman Band.
You can’t miss Ghalia Volt. She’s the natural-born rock star with the leather jacket and wicked grin, leaning from her album sleeve to offer you a hit on her hip flask. But the real Southern blend ain’t in the bottle, it’s on the songs.
With the breakout success of 2019’s Mississippi Blend – a record that broke into the Top 3 of the Billboard Blues Chart on three separate occasions – it seemed the world was Volt’s for the taking,her seven-year transformation from Brussels busker to the adopted daughter of American rootsgathering pace. Now, with One Woman Band, the journey takes a thrilling left-turn. Ifher apprenticeship on the mean streets taught Volt anything, it’s that she already had everything she needed to make magic – and in March, she reconnected with that one-woman philosophy. “I started playing on a real drum set,” she recalls.“Playing a kick, snare and hi-hat plus a tambourine with my two feet, while playing slide/guitar and singing at the same time.”