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Pocket Vinyl's music is all about being uncomfortable.  It's about taking uncomfortable feelings and topics (death, fear, sex, theology, to name a few) and staring them in the face, trying to understand.  It's not meant to be sad or depressing, but rather full of wonder, curiosity, joy, fearlessness, and love.  Based mostly on the life principle that when you're uncomfortable, you are often learning, growing, and becoming a better person. Their unique live show consists of Eric Stevenson slamming the piano while Elizabeth Jancewicz creates a painting on stage, which is then auctioned off to the highest bidder at every show.  Every painting is 100% unique..  They've made 5 albums, 3 EPs, a bunch of singles, the world's first MP (for "Mini-Play"), and even a full length feature documentary about small touring bands called "Drive. Play. Sleep." which is being released in the fall of 2017.  And that's all on top of the 700+ live concerts they've performed since forming in 2010.  Long story short: they remain a very active pair of artists.